Why Us
“The 3 Cs” that drive us:
At the Eyrie, we have a passion for knowledge that is combined with a strong desire to convey, through writing and editing, what we describe as the “3 Cs”: communicating ideas, connecting individuals and institutions, and catalyzing meaningful processes of change that empower people and add value in various knowledge sectors.
Our emphasis on communication and empowerment is powerfully conveyed by our totem, the eagle. This majestic bird is symbolically associated with envisioning beyond boundaries, speaking effectively, taking new flight paths, and soaring high, while assisting others to do so, toward peaks of excellence.
A global outlook and experience:
We are driven by our interactions with people from every country, culture, discipline or field, and walk of life, and we fully respect and appreciate diverse identities, knowledge, and expression.
Radhika Johari, the lead editor at the Eyrie, has writing and editing experience acquired over more than two decades and extending across a wide range of cultural-linguistic contexts. Her editing experience covers a wide range of nationalities and cultural backgrounds spanning numerous countries. These include Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brunei, Bahrain, UAE, Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Mexico, Columbia, Chile, Canada, and the United States.
We particularly welcome clients for whom English is a second language and have a strong desire to work cross-culturally, helping writers to find and articulate their own visions and voices in their texts.
Writing and publishing experience:
Grants and awards: Radhika was the recipient of several prestigious awards during her graduate studies, including a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, a doctoral award from the International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC), and a doctoral fieldwork grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation of Anthropological Research based in New York.
Peer reviewing: Radhika has served as a peer reviewer for top-ranked journals such as World Development and Conservation & Society.
Publications: Radhika has published articles and reviews in peer-reviewed journals and has contributed a number of chapters in edited volumes. She has also compiled and edited publications on environmental topics for international research organizations, notably the World Agroforestry Centre (Southeast Asia Regional Program) and the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Program of IDRC (see SAMPLES OF OUR WORK).
Affiliations: Radhika is a member of the Professional Editors Network based in Minneapolis, the United States.
Areas of editing expertise:
We work across a wide range of disciplines within the social sciences and humanities. These range from English literature, philosophy and history to sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, psychology, demography, tourism, public health, gender studies, international development, and rural and urban studies. We have particular expertise in fields related to environmental studies such as land use planning, agricultural studies, biodiversity conservation, community forestry, agroforestry, natural resource management, climate change, and energy and fossil fuels.
Editing skills and style:
Having worked with leading international academic editing companies and other organizations, we have developed our own essentially interactive editing style and technique aimed at bringing our clients’ ideas, thoughts, and reflections into focus and amplifying them.
A brief summary of our key editing skills is provided here:
- We are proficient in editing manuscripts across a wide range of disciplines in the social sciences, humanities, and environmental studies.
- We edit all manuscripts to publishable standards.
- We have edited a wide range of journal articles submitted to leading journal publishers, notably Springer, Wiley, Sage Publishing, the Taylor & Francis Group, and Emerald Publishing. We are adept at following individual journals’ styles and their referencing and formatting guidelines. We also edit longer manuscripts such as book chapters, reports, dissertations, and full-length books.
- We are experienced in editing manuscripts using key academic conventions such as the Chicago Manual of Style and the American Psychology Association (APA) style.
- We edit and format Microsoft Word documents using the tracking tool.
- We always provide clients with insightful comments on how to improve the clarity, conciseness, and coherence of their writing.
Time Management and Organizational Skills:
We never submit assignments beyond the due date and time, and have acquired a stellar reputation for punctuality and thoroughness. Our work deadlines are often tight, and we do whatever is required to meet them without compromising on the quality of our work. Moreover, we follow a professional code of ethics and conduct with our clients.
Small is beautiful: Personalized attention
We are currently developing a panel of tried and tested editors who are dedicated and professional. However, we intend to stay small in order to maintain close connections with each other and with our clients. At the Eyrie, we hold to family values and work together as a team.
As the panel members come on board, they will be introduced to you on this website. But we assure you that even as we grow, the Eyrie will always be a homely but professional place where each client is given personalized attention and valued as a person, author, and knowledge producer.
Some of the clients with whom Eyrie’s lead editor, Radhika, has worked are associated with the following organizations:
- Edanz Group
- Uni-Edit
- Charlesworth Author Services
- Groningen University Language Centre (students and faculty)
- European University Institute Language Centre (doctoral students)
- Walden University (doctoral students)
- World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
- International Development Research Centre (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Program in Asia)
- International Network of Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
- United Nations Development Programme, Bhutan
- World Wildlife Fund-Bhutan

We look forward to meeting you and working with you on your writing project!